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The Belief Effect
The Flowering of Human Consciousness (1:05)
The Universe is a Dream Machine eBook Gift!
Reading of The Universe is a Dream Machine: Part 1 (5:40)
Reading of The Universe is a Dream Machine: Part 2 (14:53)
Reading of The Universe is a Dream Machine: Part 3 (16:07)
MODULE 1: The Universe is a Dream Machine
The Universe is a Dream Machine
Why Change Beliefs?
Beliefs Control Biology
Fractal Biology (2:25)
Your Perception & Your Life View
Nothing is Solid. Everything is Energy & Information.
A Handbook for Freedom (2:43)
MODULE 2: How To Transform Your Limiting Beliefs
About AFT: Attractor Field Techniques
How To Transform Your Limiting Beliefs (1:58)
MODULE 3: Twenty One Limiting or Blocking Beliefs To Transform
Twenty-One Limiting or Blocking Beliefs to Transform
Belief: I am not worthy
Belief: I do not deserve to be happy
Belief: I do not deserve to be successful
Belief: I am stupid
Belief: I am inadequate
Belief: I am powerless
Belief: I am a failure
Belief: I deny my own value
Belief: I am afraid of my own power
Belief: I am not enough
Belief: There's not enough time
Belief: There's not enough money
Belief: I cannot have abundance throughout my life
Belief: Money is the root of all evil
Belief: It takes money to make money
Belief: I can't be rich and spiritual
Belief: I worry about what people think of me
Belief: I am not grateful for what I am receiving
Belief: Life is not fair
Belief: Life is hard
Belief: Life is a struggle
How to Create Your Own Belief Change Formula
Blocks to Belief Change
BONUS: Change Your Money Story: Transform Ten Toxic Beliefs About Prosperity
Transform Your Relationship With Money!
Belief: I will never have enough money
Belief: I do not deserve to have money
Belief: I do not respect money
Belief: I cannot afford it
Belief: I am always in debt
Belief: Money is not safe
Belief: Money is toxic
Belief: I hate money
Belief: I am worthless
Belief: I must save for a rainy day
BONUS: The Universal Language of iMA
What is iMA? (10:39)
iMA High Blue
iMA High Red
iMA High Green
iMA High Yellow
iMA Dreamweaver (7:56)
iMA Practitioner & Coach
Workshop Replay (71:19)
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Ikigai: Your Reason for Being
The Wheel of Life
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